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I spy with my little eye...

Can you see the mountain in this picture? This was our one and only sighting of Mt. McKinley, aka Denali. We wouldn't have even seen it at all if someone with sharper eyes hadn't pointed it out. Alaska is a strange place because there are mountain ranges everywhere, but the mountains actually look quite small They look so small because cloud cover here is very low, so the clouds are skimming the tops of the front ranges, and you never even have a chance to see the immense mountains behind them. You're in "sight" of mountains almost all the time, but we've hardly seen them. The most we've gotten are glimpses when there are holes in the cloud cover, and you really have to be paying attention to see most of those, because, while the front ranges are dark and rocky, the interior peaks are completely snow-covered and blend in quite nicely with the clouds. Often, you'll actually see the mountains peeking out over the clouds.

When you do get a glimpse, it's quite impressive. Most of all, it's amazing how the mountains tower over the front ranges. They're often 2-3 times the height of the front range mountains, and they're snowy white where the front mountains are dark and rocky. It would be fairly easy to visit and think you'd seen the mountains, because it doesn't look like there would be anything more back there when the clouds are that low.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 24, 2004 21:52 / Permalink / Comment






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