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seals and belching

One of the first really cool things we saw was actually something we heard. We were paddling down Dangerous Passage on the first day, watching the bald eagles and enjoying the fine weather, when we started to hear some odd noises. It sounded like a large group of teenagers practicing belching. No joke. Really loud, and carrying across the water from quite a distance. On and on and on. We got out the binoculars but couldn't see anything, but could tell it was coming from the other side of the passage, maybe a half mile away. We paddled closer and oops! scared some seals, who are very shy creatures. They all popped into the water from their rocky island, and then we were surrounded by seal heads poking out of the water! They look like dogs swimming through the water, because they only hold the tops of their heads and their noses out of the water while they're moving. You can see their whiskers, and they make a chuffing noise when they breath while they're swimming, just like a dog that's paddling hard. They stay a pretty good distance away but they keep their heads out and watch you, then will suddenly pop back underwater and out of sight.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Jul 15, 2004 18:59 / Permalink / Comment






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