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One of the very coolest things we saw was this geyser. We were walking along the glacier and I saw a small fountain of water in the distance. It was only a few feet tall, but we thought we'd go over and get a closer look. As we got near it, I saw a huge geyser to the side of it, and I couldn't imagine how I could have missed it in the first place. We went over and watched it for a while, and then turned to look at one of the smaller ones. I looked back less than a minute later, and this geyser was gone entirely. You would never have known it had been there.

The wind was blowing steadily enough that you could get quite close to the glacier on the upwind side of it. The geyser was spurting fairly steadily to about 20 feet high when we first saw it, but ten minutes later, it was alternating between five feet high and 30 feet high, just before it disappeared.

Snapped by mariaikenberry on Aug 07, 2004 11:59 / Permalink / Comment






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