This site is a collection of photos and comments from our trip to Alaska from July 11th to August 20th, 2004. The pictures are in chronological order, but the photo on the main page is the most recent photo, so if you start there, you'll end up looking at the pictures backwards.
If you haven't looked at any of the pictures, the best way to start is to go to the very beginning of the trip and click on "next" at the top of each page to move forward through the pictures. Some browsers will also let you type Alt-n instead of clicking "next" (and Alt-p instead of "previous"), which is easier if you scroll down to read the text. When you get tired of looking at pictures, you can bookmark the photo you're on if you want to start there when you come back (if you come back!).
If you've viewed some pictures but want to see what's been added (in order), the best way is to click "all photographs" at the top of the page and then scroll down until you find the thumbnail for the last picture you looked at. Once you click on that, you can move through by clicking "next".
The link to "albums" at the top of the page will let you look at pictures by category (largely organized by geography). The categories are roughly chronological, but not entirely. For instance, we went to Prince William Sound at the beginning of the trip and again briefly at the end. The albums are most useful if you're only interested in pictures from one part of the trip, or if you're trying to find a picture and you remember where it was taken.
Under "albums" you'll also find a weekly archiving of pictures.
Have fun!